Monday, March 29, 2010

Physical Activities You Need to Improve Learning Results while Working on Your Internet Business, by Ken Nourolahi

Physical Activity and Learning
The benefits of physical exercise are well known.  Consistent exercise improves the heart and lungs and releases endorphins (hormones) that improve our mood.  However, recent studies have also shown that exercising on a regular basis has a definite impact on a person’s learning.  William Greenough, at the University of Illinois in the early 1990’s, conducted experiments with rats that showed that a greater number of connections among neurons existed in the rats who exercised than those that were sedentary.  In addition, there were a greater number of capillaries around the brain neurons of rats that exercised.

As adults, we face many obstacles to our health and well being.  In this information age, we spend an inordinate amount of time in front of our computers, and watching television or videos.  This translates into less time for exercise and the missed benefits that exercise provides.  The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that a metabolic syndrome has emerged as a major health risk in Americans (Ford, et. al. 2002).  The metabolic syndrome is defined as manifestation of chronic ailments and life threatening diseases observed in almost one-forth of the US adult population (Ford, et. al. 2002).  Obese individuals with sedentary lifestyles are at an increased risk for developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Medical News, 2010).

   Chronic diseases associated with poor habits are preventable and it is up to each individual to develop the appropriate daily diet and exercise regimen for a healthy life (Medical News, 2010).  The individuals who are involved in Internet marketing or any Internet based business perform more than 90% of their work sitting in front of a computer on a daily basis.  This work is usually very intense and could place a great deal of strain on the back, wrist, and eyes.  The sedentary life style associated with this type of work and lack of appropriate diet could be a major contributor to chronic health problems.  It is important that a minimum of 15 minutes break every couple of hours are taken to relax those overused muscles.  It is equally important that there is an appropriate balance between work, a healthy diet, and recreation to stabilize the number of consumed calories and the calories that are used-up.  How does one achieve this balance?  The answer is in the basic steps outlined below:
  1. Start the day with a quick exercise regiment to jump start your metabolism and get blood capillaries around the brain’s neurons flowing.
  2. Eat a breakfast with fruit and grains to provide energy.
  3. Make a list of goals for the day that includes goals to achieve at work and goals for recreation and exercise after work.
  4. Include a daily 20 - 30 minutes brisk walk in your daily physical activities. 
Obviously, these are the minimum steps required to maintain a normal healthy status and as mentioned earlier, would have to be modified to meet the specific needs of each person.

To Your Success,

Ken Nourolahi

Scroll to the top of this page and let me know where to send full details on the "4-Step System" and your FREE e-book.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Qualities of a Superior Mindset By Kadra Adams

The Superior Mindset Has A Solid Intent

A solid intent is a clear direction in which the mind is moving in. The mind is clear that it is moving in a certain direction, and your thoughts, actions and focus is reinforcing that direction continuously. A solid intent also means that you have made a permanent decision to move your life in a certain trajectory, and you aren't going to change that ever. The solid intent is your permanent commitment to achieve the goals you have set yourself once and for all.

The Superior Mindset Is Strong

A strong mindset is one in which your mind is totally clear, focused and alert. It is a mind which is in the zone and living fully in the moment of the now. This mindset will increase in strength regularly and allow you to form an even greater connection to your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the seat of your super conscious power and creating a greater connection to this through the strength of your mind will increase the level of your success easily.

The Superior Mindset Is Always Figuring It Out

People who do not enquire as to why things are the way they are, are not superior minds. The superior mind aims to figure out why things are a certain way and then aims to bring the positive aspects of these things greater into their life. You should always be inquisitive and enquiring. You should attempt to figure things out yourself, and also seek out knowledge from external sources. That way, you are growing in understanding of yourself constantly. It is this constant and increasing understanding of yourself which will allow you to succeed more and more over time.

The Superior Mindset Has Magnetic Thoughts

Magnetic thoughts are fundamental to success, and you must make the steps to ensure that the magnetism of your mind is maintained as much as possible. When the mind is highly magnetic, you can move towards success extremely easily. The trick here is to form a system of habits so that the magnetism of the mind is maintained as easily as possible. So long as your thoughts are highly magnetic, you will move towards what you want with increasing ease and sophistication. is the world's largest and most trusted online source for genius creation, IQ increase and mental power improvement tips. You can learn more interesting mental power techniques at is a registered trademark.

To Your Success,

Ken Nourolahi

Scroll to the top of this page and let me know where to send full details on the "4-Step System" and your FREE E-book.
Visit my website below and learn more about me and my Income Programs

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Can You Succeed and Make Money With Reliable Vacations Clubs? by Ken Nourolahi

The hottest home business opportunity today is centered on discount vacation clubs. With the introduction of this concept making money on the Internet is as easy as taking a vacation. If you're an Internet income seeker, you are at the discovery point of a new and exciting chapter in online income generation. Reliable and reputable vacation clubs allow their members to bring together a real product with a proven marketing system which can be used by the experts as well as the novices.

The corporate life and working on 9 - 5 jobs are draining and low wage jobs are all that is available in the current economic climate. The high rate of unemployment has created an ideal time for vacation clubs to flourish by offering an attractive and profitable business venture while affording the overworked and tired group a discounting mechanism. For every business venture to be successful, certain key non-negotiable elements of success must be present. The work at home industry is no different. The rate of success without these key elements will be markedly lower; you must exercise your due diligence, look for the key elements and be able to recognize the "Real McCoy" from impostors.

Key Element #1: You do the work once but that work must pay you multiple times. Impossible you may say? Not hardly. There are three sub-elements in this step: You must get a direct pay from the initial sale; you must be able to build a passive income from the sale made by others; and the system must have a built-in leveraged income mechanism for the long term.

Key Element #2: Easy duplication must be achievable by having a proven marketing system working automatically at all levels. The marketing system must work for everybody, especially the beginners. It should not be up to you to devise the marketing system; it must be in place when you join. Easy duplication will occur when a system is so finely tuned to allow anyone to get up and run regardless of their experience level. True automation is achieved when you can join a program, have all the needed tools including your website built and ready for you to drive traffic to your site, and make sales without additional input from you.

Key Element #3: The product must be in high demand and also affordable. You can hardly market a product that does not have the demand and affordability factors built into it. In the current economic climate, affordability is one of the most important elements in determining your success with any product. According to the latest statistics, currently more than 23.5 million people are searching for ways to make money with their own business. The demand is certainly there, but the threshold of affordability is at or below the $1000 level. Any program priced above the $3000-$4000 level, will limit your potential to 1% of the available pool of prospects. A product priced at the $800 level can give you a market size of approximately 19 million potential customers.

Vacation clubs offer an attractive and profitable business endeavor. With a basic minimal investment, a reliable vacation club offers an opportunity to promote travel products that are solid and available in a wide range. The word vacation is the key motivator. Images of vacations are of gentle sea breezes, lazy afternoons and dream destinations. Vacation clubs offer alternatives to usual trip planning. Investment in vacation clubs allows a definite break away to an annual vacation. There is also the privilege of options to choose different locations all the time.

To Your Success,
Ken Nourolahi

Please scroll to the top and click on Primo Vacation banner for details on an informative Vacation Club tour.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to Use Motivation to Achieve Goals in Your Internet Based Business, by Ken Nourolahi

What motivates us to achieve?  Current research suggests that motivational reflexes are controlled in the Amygdala located near the center of the brain.  According to Peter Lang and Michael Davis, brain researchers from the University of Florida, we are similar to other animals in our response to threats or to positive motivational cues.  If we are exposed to danger, we react by releasing hormones in a “fight or flight” response.  Once we are clear of the danger, our emotional responses change and we learn to avoid the danger as a natural urge for survival.   However, human motivation to achieve is much more complex.  Our need for financial and social success is tied to our instinct for survival.

Brain researchers are continually adjusting their theories in the context of social, gender, and cultural issues that influence individual motivation.  R. J. Wlodkowski, in his book, Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn (1999), posits that an individual’s motivation is bound to social construction and individual determination.  But how does a person develop intrinsic motivation?  Is a person just born with the desire to learn new things or is this desire shaped by their environment?  There is no doubt that our attitudes are shaped by our experiences in life.  There is J.M. Keller’s (1987) ARCS model of motivation in which attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction are factors that determine our motivation for learning.  If our experiences capture our attention, have meaning and relevance, give us confidence and are satisfying then we are more motivated to learn.

Whether we are starting a new web-based business or communicating through internet blogs or Facebook, we are more likely to be open to new ideas if they are relevant to our own background and experiences.  Gaining confidence to start an Internet Business begins by communicating with others and learning new strategies that will provide us with the next step toward financial success.  The “4-Step System” used to train and mentor our new associates are based on years of experience, motivational factors, and collaboration with other internet marketing experts.

To Your Success,

Ken Nourolahi

Scroll to the top of this page and let me know where to send full details on the "4-Step System" and your FREE E-book.
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